Simulator for training gas turbine power station operators
The simulator is designed to study the features of the technological processes in gas compressors, turbines and in the electrical system of the gas turbine electrical power stations. A special emphasis is laid on the power station operation under various operating conditions: individual load, operation in parallel with a large electrical power system and operation in a modular power system consisting of several stations that are approximately identical in terms of power capacity.
The simulator consists of 1 instructor workstation and up to 50 trainee workstations.
The simulating system is designed to carry out theoretical training, in-service training, conducting qualification exams in training centers in accordance with the unified training curricula and programs. In the process we make sure that the following objectives are achieved:
- to improve the quality of theoretical and practical training provided for electricians;
- to make sure that electricians acquire practical skills to perform switching operations in a normal mode and in adverse situations;
- to make sure that electricians acquire practical skills for proper maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of gas-turbine power station equipment as well as digital safety relay devices and automatic control equipment;
- to conduct computer-aided exams for the purpose of evaluating and assessing the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by electrical personnel.
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