Training stand of a system for measuring oil consumption on the basis of an ultrasonic flow meter and instruments for monitoring of cleaning and diagnostic devices run
The stand is designed to train specialists in order to obtain the following skills:
- study of the principles of pig and ultrasonic flow meters operation;
- study of the instruments composition;
- study of instruments installation methods;
- study of instruments settings and configuration.
The stand comprises the following equipment:
- DC power supply (adjustable) B5-71/2-PRO;
- pump, operating pressure up to 10 MPa;
- capacity 50 l;
- pipeline manufactured of sound-transmitting materials;
- ultrasonic flow meter-counter VZLYOT MR (URSV-5хх ts);
- adjusting valve;
- ultrasonic indicator of ULIS-A cleaning device passage;
- pipeline section for mounting of the pig passage sensor;
- pigging simulator;
- power and control panel.
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